Monday, October 22, 2012


I'm doing it. I'm going to participate in National Novel Writing Month. I've avoided it for the last 2 years. I've sidestepped students who do nothing but encourage me to participate  I've excused my way out of doing it. But, hey my pal Derek said it best, "Worst case scenario, you write one page, put it down, and none will be the wiser. Best case scenario, it's the motivation you lack and you become a best-selling novelist." I've got nothing to lose and it would be nice to become a best selling author, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I want to write a novel. I've wanted to write a novel for a few years, but I've never mustered the internal strength, nor I have been able to silence my fears of sucking, to move forward. So here is my attempt at making it official. I'm doing it.

So I'm writing this for myself, but I need to some ground rules and realistic goals to make this at least an honest attempt at writing something longer than fifteen pages.
  1. At least 5 pages a day or roughly about 1000 words. I will (attempt) to reach this goal even if those words suck.
  2. No videogames or extracurricular reading until I have written my 5 pages. I'm thinking of cutting videogames all together, but I don't want to be too overzealous.
  3. I will not edit my work.
That's all I've got for now. And, honestly, they seem extremely daunting. I know this isn't a real substantial post, but I just want to make a declaration: I'm going to do it. 

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Isley! YES! I knew you'd do it eventually! I'm so excited I could do a dance right now! Good luck in the month to come! :)
